May 2022

Do the Gospels accurately preserve what Jesus said and did? Haven’t they become distorted? How can we know with any confidence? In this podcast, Pastor Ruttan gives us 5 important points to consider. You can listen to the audio version here. You can also click here to see the text version with references....
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Apologetics and Defending Your Faith – a talk with Greg Koukl
Do you want to know how to explain (or defend) your faith with greater confidence and clarity? Join the club. This is an area called “apologetics.” Greg Koukl has written a helpful and insight...
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Did Jesus Really Exist? – My response to the strange claims of Maclean’s magazine
I’ve had a burden on my soul since Easter. That was when—just days prior to the biggest Christian holiday of the year—Maclean’s Magazine published an article calling the existence of Jesus into question despite...
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