Want to start the day right? So do we!
So here’s “Up!” – helium for a practical faith today.
“Devo” is short for devotional. It is written by our pastor and comes out at 5am five days a week (Tuesday to Saturday) and will help you get up, look up, and be up.
In a minute or less you’ll be able to read a short email message that is based on a biblical passage and will help you live your day in a more abundant way. You can also get it in your Facebook feed by liking the page.
Life today can be crazy… and busy… and confusing. So Up! is designed to be accessible and practical, providing hope, help and biblically-rooted wisdom for your everyday life.
(You can see a sample devotional below.)
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Or, if you’re interested in back issues, you can check out the official site here: www.TheUpDevo.com.
Enjoy. And be lifted Up! Here’s a sample…
I’m no stranger to nostalgia. I like looking back and remembering the good ole days.
But is there a point when looking back too much is harmful?
I believe that if you glorify the past you handcuff the present. In other words, if you put too much stock in what has happened in the past, you undermine the potential and power of what can happen next.
It’s just too easy to strap on some rose-coloured glasses and make an idol out of those golden yester-years (even if they weren’t so golden).
I think this was one of the things Paul was getting at when he wrote, “I press on toward the goal for the prize of the heavenly call of God in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 3:14) With God, there is always good and meaningful work to do. Your horizon always has hope.
It’s good to visit the past from time to time. But don’t stay there. If you think your best days are behind you, they will be.
So press on toward the goal.
If you glorify the past you handcuff the present.
By Matthew Ruttan
Matthew Ruttan writes the Up! devotional. These days he has a motto: A pulse doesn’t mean you’re alive. He also tries to work as hard as a farmer and pray like a madman.
What gets him up in the morning is a desire to help people live out their faith in practical ways today. Here’s a husband and father to three, and the pastor at Westminster Church in Barrie.
One day he hopes to own a rowboat. Just because it seems awesome. His pet peeves are TVs in restaurants, wet socks, out-of-date websites, mosquitoes, and DVDs that won’t play because they have too many scratches.
His passions are Jesus, his wife, his kids, getting in on the ways God is renovating the world, and helping you live out your faith in practical ways today.
He hopes you enjoy Up! It’s helium for a practical faith today.
Is there relevant, helpful, hopeful and enduring wisdom for your life today? Pastor Ruttan thinks there is. Below are links to his Sunday messages at Westminster.