This is our small groups program at Westminster. It’s the place to go if you want to grow. Click on the short animated video below to learn more:

Through the week, small groups (which at Westminster are called “Vine Groups”) discuss the sermon and Bible reading from the previous Sunday. Vine Groups run from September through to June, typically in 8 week sessions.

Each week you can come to this page and click on the sermon below to hear what the groups will be discussing and you’ll also receive a participant email in your inbox with that week’s information. If you are interested in learning more about small groups, you can contact Michelle Boston, our small groups coordinator, who oversees the program:


What is this?

Westminster has a small groups program. The groups meet throughout the week in different people’s homes, at the church or online through Zoom. These groups are called “Vine Groups.” They’re designed to help you grow spiritually through small group discussion. It’s also a great place to connect with others and receive and give encouragement. – A place to grow and connect in an uncertain world –

What does the name mean?

The name “Vine Groups” are taken from Jesus’ words in John 15:5: “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”

When does it run?

The groups run in chunks of time. Usually in the fall, during the winter and then again for a spring session.  We don’t run Vine over the summer months.  The groups run for 8 – 12 weeks at a time.

What will happen?

After you sign up at the church or by completing the form below and get assigned to a group, participants gather over the course of 1.5 hours and have a time of discussion based on the pastor’s message and Bible passage from the previous Sunday. The evenings end with prayer.

There are trained small group leaders who facilitate these discussions. Previously we did a similar version of this program. When it wrapped up we surveyed people about their experience and 100% said it was positive. We’re guessing the same might be true for you.

Does it run all year round?

Yes and No. The Vine Groups run in installments. That way, the hosts and leaders have a bit of a break between sessions. Plus, if your schedule or circumstances change, you can request to move nights/groups at the start of a new session.

What if I’m interested but can’t come to a group every week?

That’s okay. Come one time, some of the time, or all of the time. It can benefit you from being there every night; but if that doesn’t fit with your schedule, one-offs will still work.

You will be welcomed into a friendly group, and at the start of each gathering, the small group leader will review the main point and Bible passage from the previous Sunday so that everyone is on the same page – even if you missed it.

Westminster isn’t my church home. Can I still participate?

Yes. We expect that many of the participants will be a part of the Westminster community, but also that several people won’t be. That’s okay. Some may have no church home, and some may even worship at other churches on Sundays. That’s also okay. We just want to encourage each other and help one another grow.

I’m shy. Is this for me?

Some people really like to contribute to a discussion verbally, and that’s great. But some people hold back a bit more. That’s also totally acceptable. There is no pressure to talk. Sometimes we just need to be with other people and hear their perspectives as we think through things for ourselves.

How many people will there be in each group?

Each group usually has between 8 to 12 people.

I’m interested. What do I do?

Sign up at Westminster on Sundays. Or you can email Michelle Boston at or by filling in the online form right under this question. Then just show up and bring a Bible!

Small groups at Westminster are – A place to grow and connect in an uncertain world


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