Sunday School & Nursery

At Westminster on Sunday Morning there is Kids and Youth Ministry (Sunday School) for those aged pre-school to the end of high school.  We also offer nursery care for the little ones.

Our Sunday School is very vibrant with over 70 children taking part in this important ministry.

Worship and Youth Time

The Children and Youth stay in the sanctuary to worship at the start of the service and then together we enjoy a short segment called ‘Youth Time’, usually led by or our Coordinator of Youth and Outreach, William Min or by Pastor Ruttan. It’s takes place about 15 minutes into the start of the service and then the kids are invited to head downstairs to their classes.

What Happens Downstairs?

As soon as the children and youth venture downstairs, they gather together and Laura Ruttan (Sunday School Coordinator), leads everyone in “The Vital Verse” (a.k.a. the verse of the month).  Each month ask your child to share with you and help them to practice!

We also have a nursery available for kids up to 3 years old (roughly) and you can learn more about it below.

Nursery Care

Our caring nursery is staffed by well trained caregivers who have both taken our Leading with Care program as well as submitted a current police records check.  They are available at 9:45 for you to drop off your pre-school aged children and will lovingly care for them during the service.  The space is bright and secure with two caregivers always present.


Youth Groups

Our Youth Coordinator William Min, along with Laura Ruttan organizes this program. Our Youth (Gr.5-highschool) meet every other Friday to talk faith, have fun, enjoy snacks, and form relationships as we grow in our faith together. Sometimes we have outings and meet outside of the church as well to do something out in our community.

Vacation Bible Camp

Every year Westminster hosts two Bible camps for children.  One, during March Break and another the first full week of July. 

Both camps include fantastic songs, crafts, Bible stories, games, missions, and snacks. Both are very popular and we are blessed by the 80+ campers, and also by the 30+ volunteers who pull together to make it happen!

These are a real highlight each year at Westminster. Watch our events listings for the upcoming camp and how to register!

T.G.I.F. Kid’s Music Group (every other Friday)

The Junior Choir is for any child who wants to sing in church. Each Sunday, parents bring their kids to the Colvin Room (downstairs) at 9:15 a.m. They rehearse a song and sing it for the church that same day. One practice = one performance!

Parents enjoy a coffee in the fellowship hall before the service. It’s a great way for kids to praise God and be a part of what we do. We praise the Lord together as his family. And so this ministry is a great way for kids to praise God and actively be a part of glorifying the Lord through music.

Want to be in touch with us regarding our Youth Ministries?  Please fill out contact form below and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.


Sunday Service - March 23, 2025