
Jul 2024
10 Unpopular things Jesus said

You can listen to the audio version above or read on… This is the second of a two-part post and podcast about things Jesus said, both popular and unpopular. Part 1 was about the popular statements (you can read it by clicking here). This one is about the un-popular. But why am I doing this? It’s about looking not only at the words of Jesus, but into the mirror.......

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The Importance of Bible Study

The Importance of Bible Study

On Sunday Aug.6, Pastor Ruttan led us through service, which included this special talk from Michelle Boston, our Small Groups Coordinator.At Westminster we call our Small Groups, Vine Groups. Michelle detailed the importance of...

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Helpful Study Bibles

Helpful Study Bibles

Helpful Study BiblesPastor Ruttan In this podcast and blog, I’m going to highlight some helpful Study Bibles. Perhaps you are wondering what makes a Study Bible different from a regular Bible. A regular Bible...

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