Sunday Service – May 7, 2023

It’s the most famous of the most famous psalms. People request it at funerals and underline it in their Bibles. They memorize it and plaque it for their walls. Many non-Christians can even recite the first few lines. “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.” On Sunday Pastor Ruttan will take us into this eternally comforting passage and explore what it might say to us today. If you missed it last week, click here for a short video introduction to this series on the Psalms. During the service we will honour God through biblical teaching, prayer, music, Sunday School, nursery care, and fellowship with one another. The service begins at 10:01am both in person and online via YouTube.

Sunday Service – July 30, 2023

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

Summer is glorious! On Sunday, July 30th we gather to praise the Maker of heaven and earth. We will worship and have Sunday School and nursery care. Pastor Ruttan will share the second of two messages on the Most Famous Proverbs. In a world that likes being “to the point” the proverbs are just that: short sayings for living wisely daily. Many could fit on a bumper sticker or in a Twitter post: -“Pride goes before destruction…” -“Iron sharpens iron…” -“Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding…” -“A joyful heart is good medicine…” -“Whoever troubles his own household will inherit the wind…” -“Walk with the wise and become wise…” But how do we interpret and apply them? This is what we’ll explore as we seek to live wisely daily. He will also bring examples of helpful ‘Study Bibles’ so you can see what it might like to be have one of these resources in your home. The service begins at 10:01am both in person and online via YouTube.

Mon. Afternoon Prayer Group (at Westminster)

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

Our Prayer Group takes place at the church every Monday afternoon at 1 pm. We meet in the sanctuary and pray for those in need both inside and outside of the congregation. This is an open group and all are welcome. Please note that unlike some of the other groups, we continue to meet and pray on most  Mondays throughout the summer months and other holiday Mondays throughout the year. For enquiries please contact the church office at 728-0541. ***Please note that these online events auto-populate weekly and cancellations or changes may not be reflected here.

Mon. Evening Vine Group (online)


General Message about Vine Groups: Vine Groups meet once weekly to discuss the sermon message with questions that prompt discussion and fellowship among those who attend. We currently have a few different time slots to choose from. You can view the current schedule by viewing the upcoming events for the week. Our small groups coordinator, Michelle Boston leads our online group via Zoom on Monday evenings and all other groups are led by church members, in-person at the church. If you would like additional information or would like to join a group discussion one evening, please contact Michelle Boston at mishkagirl3gmailcom or call the church office at 705-728-0541. We encourage all members to try out Vine; Dive deeper into God's word while enjoying fellowship with your brothers and sisters in Christ. Vine sessions usually run in 8 week segments with breaks in between, including a full summer break from June to September. For current start and end dates, please be in touch with Michelle Boston, but keep in mind that we encourage you to join in at any time. ***Please note that these events auto-populate weekly, so please stay connected with your group leader for cancellations and updates as they may not be reflected here.

Tues. Afternoon Vine Group (at Westminster)

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

General Message about Vine Groups: Vine Groups meet once weekly to discuss the sermon message with questions that prompt discussion and fellowship among those who attend. We currently have a few different time slots to choose from. You can view the current schedule by viewing the upcoming events for the week. Our small groups coordinator, Michelle Boston leads our online group via Zoom on Monday evenings and all other groups are led by church members, in-person at the church. If you would like additional information or would like to join a group discussion one evening, please contact Michelle Boston at mishkagirl3gmailcom or call the church office at 705-728-0541. We encourage all members to try out Vine; Dive deeper into God's word while enjoying fellowship with your brothers and sisters in Christ. Vine sessions usually run in 8 week segments with breaks in between, including a full summer break from June to September. For current start and end dates, please be in touch with Michelle Boston, but keep in mind that we encourage you to join in at any time. ***Please note that these events auto-populate weekly, so please stay connected with your group leader for cancellations and updates as they may not be reflected here.

Tues. Afternoon Vine Group (at Westminster)

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

General Message about Vine Groups: Vine Groups meet once weekly to discuss the sermon message with questions that prompt discussion and fellowship among those who attend. We currently have a few different time slots to choose from. You can view the current schedule by viewing the upcoming events for the week. Our small groups coordinator, Michelle Boston leads our online group via Zoom on Monday evenings and all other groups are led by church members, in-person at the church. If you would like additional information or would like to join a group discussion one evening, please contact Michelle Boston at mishkagirl3gmailcom or call the church office at 705-728-0541. We encourage all members to try out Vine; Dive deeper into God's word while enjoying fellowship with your brothers and sisters in Christ. Vine sessions usually run in 8 week segments with breaks in between, including a full summer break from June to September. For current start and end dates, please be in touch with Michelle Boston, but keep in mind that we encourage you to join in at any time. ***Please note that these events auto-populate weekly, so please stay connected with your group leader for cancellations and updates as they may not be reflected here.

Tues. Evening Vine Group (at Westminster)

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

General Message about Vine Groups: Vine Groups meet once weekly to discuss the sermon message with questions that prompt discussion and fellowship among those who attend. We currently have a few different time slots to choose from. You can view the current schedule by viewing the upcoming events for the week. Our small groups coordinator, Michelle Boston leads our online group via Zoom on Monday evenings and all other groups are led by church members, in-person at the church. If you would like additional information or would like to join a group discussion one evening, please contact Michelle Boston at mishkagirl3gmailcom or call the church office at 705-728-0541. We encourage all members to try out Vine; Dive deeper into God's word while enjoying fellowship with your brothers and sisters in Christ. Vine sessions usually run in 8 week segments with breaks in between, including a full summer break from June to September. For current start and end dates, please be in touch with Michelle Boston, but keep in mind that we encourage you to join in at any time. ***Please note that these events auto-populate weekly, so please stay connected with your group leader for cancellations and updates as they may not be reflected here.

Wed. Afternoon Vine Group (at Westminster)

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

General Message about Vine Groups: Vine Groups meet once weekly to discuss the sermon message with questions that prompt discussion and fellowship among those who attend. We currently have a few different time slots to choose from. You can view the current schedule by viewing the upcoming events for the week. Our small groups coordinator, Michelle Boston leads our online group via Zoom on Monday evenings and all other groups are led by church members, in-person at the church. If you would like additional information or would like to join a group discussion one evening, please contact Michelle Boston at mishkagirl3gmailcom or call the church office at 705-728-0541. We encourage all members to try out Vine; Dive deeper into God's word while enjoying fellowship with your brothers and sisters in Christ. Vine sessions usually run in 8 week segments with breaks in between, including a full summer break from June to September. For current start and end dates, please be in touch with Michelle Boston, but keep in mind that we encourage you to join in at any time. ***Please note that these events auto-populate weekly, so please stay connected with your group leader for cancellations and updates as they may not be reflected here.

Wed. Afternoon Vine Group (at Westminster)

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

General Message about Vine Groups: Vine Groups meet once weekly to discuss the sermon message with questions that prompt discussion and fellowship among those who attend. We currently have a few different time slots to choose from. You can view the current schedule by viewing the upcoming events for the week. Our small groups coordinator, Michelle Boston leads our online group via Zoom on Monday evenings and all other groups are led by church members, in-person at the church. If you would like additional information or would like to join a group discussion one evening, please contact Michelle Boston at mishkagirl3gmailcom or call the church office at 705-728-0541. We encourage all members to try out Vine; Dive deeper into God's word while enjoying fellowship with your brothers and sisters in Christ. Vine sessions usually run in 8 week segments with breaks in between, including a full summer break from June to September. For current start and end dates, please be in touch with Michelle Boston, but keep in mind that we encourage you to join in at any time. ***Please note that these events auto-populate weekly, so please stay connected with your group leader for cancellations and updates as they may not be reflected here.

Thurs. Morning Bible Study with Claude


General message about Thursday morning Bible Study: Claude Cox organizes and leads a Bible Study once weekly on Thursday mornings online via Zoom. Though the official study begins at 11, Claude invites you to join early around 10:30 a.m. for some chatting and fellowship. Contact Claude anytime if you’d like to join. You can email him at ccoxsympaticoca or call the church office at 705-728-0541. ***Please stay in touch with Claude for updates on cancellations or changes, as these online events auto-populate weekly and changes may not be reflected here.