Sunday Service – May 28, 2023

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

On May 28, 2023 we gather on Pentecost Sunday, what is often called the birthday of the church. It was when the Holy Spirit was dramatically poured out on the disciples in Jerusalem after Jesus had physically left them. Pastor Ruttan will continue the series on the most famous Psalms. We come to Psalm 88. It is a desperate cry for help. What do you do when you feel like God has let you down? Have you ever wondered as you have dealt with your own hardship or disappointment? There will be Sunday School, nursery care, and fellowship with one another. The service begins at 10:01am both in person and online via YouTube.

Sunday Service – July 9, 2023

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

On Sunday, July 9th we will have a 40-minute inter-generational service. We will give thanks for Vacation Bible Camp, show a video review of the week, re-share some fun content from the camp, and do some singing! This is an ‘all together’ service so there will be no Sunday School. (But there will be nursery care.) Let’s celebrate God in an uplifting and joyful way together. This is a great service to invite a friend or family member who is unsure about church. It will be casual and joyful. The service begins at 10:01am both in person and online via YouTube.

Sunday Service – July 30, 2023

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

Summer is glorious! On Sunday, July 30th we gather to praise the Maker of heaven and earth. We will worship and have Sunday School and nursery care. Pastor Ruttan will share the second of two messages on the Most Famous Proverbs. In a world that likes being “to the point” the proverbs are just that: short sayings for living wisely daily. Many could fit on a bumper sticker or in a Twitter post: -“Pride goes before destruction…” -“Iron sharpens iron…” -“Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding…” -“A joyful heart is good medicine…” -“Whoever troubles his own household will inherit the wind…” -“Walk with the wise and become wise…” But how do we interpret and apply them? This is what we’ll explore as we seek to live wisely daily. He will also bring examples of helpful ‘Study Bibles’ so you can see what it might like to be have one of these resources in your home. The service begins at 10:01am both in person and online via YouTube.

Sunday Service – Sept.17, 2023

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

We praise and honour God together on Sunday, September 17th at 10:01am. We sing, pray, learn, have fellowship and grow. Pastor Ruttan will continue our new teaching series on 1st and 2nd Thessalonians called "The beginning is nigh." Next we look at being God-pleasers instead of people-pleasers. There will be Sunday School, nursery care, and fellowship. After the service, you can also check out some books that remain from last Sunday's book sale.

Sunday Service – Sept.24, 2023

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

We praise and honour God together on Sunday, September 24th at 10:01am. We sing, pray, learn, have fellowship and grow. Pastor Ruttan will continue our teaching series on 1st and 2nd Thessalonians called "The beginning is nigh." Next we look at Paul’s instruction that people be ready for Jesus by living lives of love and holiness. Why is that important and what does it look like? There will be Sunday School, nursery care, and fellowship. Also remember that we will have a Soup and a Bun lunch after the service!

Mon. Afternoon Prayer Group (at Westminster)

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

Our Prayer Group takes place at the church every Monday afternoon at 1 pm. We meet in the sanctuary and pray for those in need both inside and outside of the congregation. This is an open group and all are welcome. Please note that unlike some of the other groups, we continue to meet and pray on most  Mondays throughout the summer months and other holiday Mondays throughout the year. For enquiries please contact the church office at 728-0541. ***Please note that these online events auto-populate weekly and cancellations or changes may not be reflected here.

On your Lips and in your Hearts

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

While Pastor Ruttan is finishing his Christmas holiday, William Min, our new Coordinator of Youth and Outreach will lead the service and share a sermon on keeping Christ, not only in our hearts, but on our lips as we look towards the New Year. Faith in Christ is evidence not only by what we believe in our hearts (our private lives) but also in the words of our lips (our public life). The text will focus on Romans 10 : 5-13. Sunday school resumes and Nursery Care will be available. The service will be both in-person and live-streamed to our YouTube channel (search @westminsterchurchonline). Service begins at 10:01 a.m. We look forward to coming together in worship with you. Fellowship to follow with refreshments and treats.

Sunday Service – January 14, 2024

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

On Sunday we will praise God! It’s what we were made to do. We will sing and pray, learn from scripture, and support one another as the body of Christ. There will be Sunday school, nursery care, and fellowship time. As a part of the service we will hear some faith statements by people who are becoming professing members of the congregation. Pastor Ruttan will also give some teaching about ‘spiritual gifts 101.’ Every Christian has at least one “spiritual gift” that God has given them to use for his purposes in the world. What are they and how do you know? Come Holy Spirit! Let’s honour the Lord together. The service is at 10:01am.

Youth Group – New Year Launch Pizza Party

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

On Friday January 19th at 6 p.m. - 7:30 p.m, we invite Youth and their families (supervision for children under grade 5 will be available) for a New Year Launch party at the church complete with DJing, delicious pizza and refreshments. We’ll gather for fellowship and worship and William will share his testimony and plans for the year ahead. Please RSVP to (so we can order enough pizza!) and don’t forget, William has a special treat for all the youth to redeem!

Sunday Service – Mar.10, 2024

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

On Sunday, March 10th we will hear the final installment of our series on the book of Esther. Pastor Ruttan will take us through chapters 9-10, share some thoughts about armed conflict and how this does (or doesn’t) relate to stories like Esther, and encourage us to identify the big picture providence of God working in the lives of his people. We will be blessed by song, we will pray together, there will be Sunday School and nursery care, and we will share fellowship and, of course, some snacks. Let’s continue to journey through Lent together at worship.