Sunday Service – April 14, 2024

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

Christ is risen! On Sunday we continue to celebrate the power, love and truth of God together as his people. Pastor Ruttan will offer Part 2 in our mini series about the resurrection. Last week we explored 5 of the most common conspiracy theories which try to undermine our confidence in the resurrection. Last week was defense, this week is offense. We explore additional reasons to be confident in our foundational belief. We will worship with praise songs and hymns, and William Min will teach us a new song he has been singing with the youth group: “O Glorious Day.” It’s a perfect song for the Easter season. Sunday School teachers are preparing for classes, and our nursery helpers will provide support and love for the youngest in our midst. We will enjoy fellowship and be uplifted. Let’s honour God together.

Sunday Service – April 21, 2024

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

On Sunday, April 21 we gather to worship. For thousands of years God has called his people to gather, pray, sing his praise, learn from his Word, and support one another through fellowship. People together with voices together, growing together is a great gift we get to receive from and contribute to. Pastor Ruttan will begin teaching through Colossians, verse by verse. On the heels of Easter, it is a great place to be as we get a glimpse into an early church community as they learn what it means to follow the risen Messiah in love and holiness. The text is Colossians 1:1-14. Sunday School teachers prepare to teach our young people, and our nursery helpers will provide support to our youngest. We will enjoy fellowship and mutual support. After the service, William Min will hold an information session for our new initiative called Satellite Gatherings (see separate announcement). “Set your minds on things that are above… For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God” (Colossians 3:2-3)