Christmas Eve – Two Services

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

Our Christmas Eve Services: Christmas Eve is a special night! At Westminster, we will have two evening services. (If you're looking for information for the Sunday morning service at 10:01am on the 24th click here.) Here is what to expect in the evening (and you can also see a video description below): 1. SUPER FAMILY-FRIENDLY SERVICE - 5:30-6:05 P.M. Our first service is our super family-friendly service. It's only 35 minutes long! We recognize that many young ones are excited for Christmas and need to get to bed at a decent time. So this is a not-so-silent night. We'll sing, learn about the nativity story, and even sing Silent Night in the dark; but instead of real candles we'll hand out battery-operated tea-lights! The words to songs (and also some videos) are projected on a screen. If you're in a position to do so, you may give a donation. 100% of the donations will be given to Youth Haven and the important work they do to support at-risk youth in our community. The service is in-person, and also live-streamed here. 2. TRADITIONAL CANDLELIT SERVICE - 7-8 P.M. Our second service is our traditional candlelit service. We will sing carols, reflect on the nativity story, and be blessed with O Holy Night as the lights go down and we sing some of the quiet carols of Christmas by candlelight. (You'll be given a candle as you come in the door.) If you're in a position to do so, you may give a donation. 100% of the donations will be given to Teen Challenge, a Canadian organization helping individuals struggling through addictions. The service is in-person, and also live-streamed here. "But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all...

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December 24th – Morning Service (In-Person only)

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

On the morning of December 24, we gather in-person (no live stream) for a 40 minute Service of Carols and Readings. There will be Nursery care but no Sunday School. We will light the Advent Candle of Love and enjoy fellowship with one another.

On your Lips and in your Hearts

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

While Pastor Ruttan is finishing his Christmas holiday, William Min, our new Coordinator of Youth and Outreach will lead the service and share a sermon on keeping Christ, not only in our hearts, but on our lips as we look towards the New Year. Faith in Christ is evidence not only by what we believe in our hearts (our private lives) but also in the words of our lips (our public life). The text will focus on Romans 10 : 5-13. Sunday school resumes and Nursery Care will be available. The service will be both in-person and live-streamed to our YouTube channel (search @westminsterchurchonline). Service begins at 10:01 a.m. We look forward to coming together in worship with you. Fellowship to follow with refreshments and treats.

Sunday Sermon – Jan.7, 2024

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

Details matter. Just ask someone who gets confused about which pills to take at which time, or someone who forgets to put on their winter tires. The nativity story is filled with critical details; God put them there for a reason, including the visit of the wise men (we don’t know how many there were, but their visit most likely occurred when Jesus was a toddler, despite what your nativity scenes seem to suggest). On January 7 Pastor Ruttan returns from vacation and takes us through Matthew 2. What is the significance of their visit not only then but now? We will worship and sing, pray together, and build one another up with new year hope. There will be Sunday school, nursery care, and fellowship time. “When they saw the star, they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy. And going into the house, they saw the child with Mary his mother, and they fell down and worshiped him.” -Matthew 2:10-11

Sunday Service – January 14, 2024

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

On Sunday we will praise God! It’s what we were made to do. We will sing and pray, learn from scripture, and support one another as the body of Christ. There will be Sunday school, nursery care, and fellowship time. As a part of the service we will hear some faith statements by people who are becoming professing members of the congregation. Pastor Ruttan will also give some teaching about ‘spiritual gifts 101.’ Every Christian has at least one “spiritual gift” that God has given them to use for his purposes in the world. What are they and how do you know? Come Holy Spirit! Let’s honour the Lord together. The service is at 10:01am.

Youth Group – New Year Launch Pizza Party

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

On Friday January 19th at 6 p.m. - 7:30 p.m, we invite Youth and their families (supervision for children under grade 5 will be available) for a New Year Launch party at the church complete with DJing, delicious pizza and refreshments. We’ll gather for fellowship and worship and William will share his testimony and plans for the year ahead. Please RSVP to (so we can order enough pizza!) and don’t forget, William has a special treat for all the youth to redeem!

Sunday Service – Jan. 21, 2024

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

On Sunday we gather to honour the living Lord. He made us, he saved us, and he is continually shaping us and equipping us as the hands and feet of Christ today. There will be Sunday school, nursery care, and fellowship time. Pastor Ruttan will continue our teaching about spiritual gifts. Last week we explored the first six. This week we will look at the definitions of more gifts and specifically as the question, How do I know what gift(s) I have? If you missed the handout you can download it here Come Holy Spirit! Let’s honour the Lord together. The service is at 10:01am.

Sunday Service – Jan.28, 2024

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

On Sunday let’s worship the Lord together! It’s Soup and a Bun Sunday meaning there is a free lunch after the service. Join in!–This is always a popular Sunday. Pastor Ruttan will share the third and final teaching on our mini-series on Spiritual Gifts. He will explain the “power gifts,” and invite us to consider where our spiritual gifts fit with how God wants to use us in the world. We will also enjoy a visit from Life 100.3FM’s Todd Gale! Todd is a deejay who co-hosts the morning show; he will provide an update on the work of the station during the kids’ time. The station will also have their booth set up in the front foyer. We will receive a ‘love offering’ to support the work of the station if you are in a position to help. We will sing songs and hymns of praise, be blessed by nursery care and Sunday School ministry, and lift one another up in prayer. Come Holy Spirit! Let’s honour the Lord together. The service is at 10:01am. If you missed Pastor Ruttan’s notes on Spiritual Gifts including how to know which ones you have, click here to download:

Sunday Service – Feb. 4, 2024

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

On Sunday we worship the Lord as the body of Christ together. Next week we will begin a new series on the book of Esther. But first, a message of encouragement and comfort on the theme of ‘assurance.’ Am I a genuine follower of Jesus? Are God’s promises really for me? There are times when we can doubt our own faith. ‘Assurance’ is the confidence God gives us when we have been adopted into his family. Pastor Ruttan will share several ‘assurances’ to strengthen your confidence. We will worship, pray, praise and learn a new song called “Only a Holy God.” What an uplifter! Diligent and caring volunteers will lead Sunday School, provide nursery care, and facilitate fellowship time after the service. Come Holy Spirit! Let’s honour the Lord together. The service is at 10:01am.

Sunday Service – Feb.11, 2024

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

On Sunday we gather in-person for 10:01am to worship and praise the Triune God. We begin a new teaching series on the book of Esther, the young Jewish woman who ascended to the throne in times that were dangerous, politically and personally. Did you realize that it's the only book of the Bible in which God is not specifically named? There's no mention of miracles or Jerusalem. And yes, it is filled with moral ambiguities. A major theme will be discerning the hand of God when it's hard to see. We will worship, pray, and praise. Thoughtful and loving volunteers will lead Sunday School, provide nursery care, and facilitate fellowship time after the service. Come, Lord! Let’s honour the Lord together. The service is at 10:01am.