Sunday Service – Feb 2, 2025

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

On Sunday, February 2nd we gather for the Sacrament of Communion, to praise God, to learn from his Word, and to build one another up. After the first part of the service, our young people will go to Sunday School, but will return for the Sacrament (after the sermon). Our main text will be Mark 8:31-9:1. “For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake and the gospel's will save it. For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul?” There will be special music, Sunday School, nursery care and fellowship. Also: the joy of the Lord!

Sunday Service – Feb 9, 2025

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

On Sunday, February 9th we gather to praise the Living God. As it says in Psalm 103: “Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless his holy name!” “10,000 reasons…” “His mercy is more…” “God of grace and God of glory…” Our main text will be 9:2-13, the transfiguration of Jesus. As we have been discovering in Mark’s Gospel, there’s more happening in this story than first meets the eye. There will be special music, Sunday School, nursery care and fellowship. Would you take a moment to pray for those who serve, lead and give?

Guest speaker at Stich and Chatter

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

GUEST SPEAKER AT STITCH AND CHATTER EVENT We will be having a guest speaker from Effect Hope speaking about leprosy, how it still exists in some countries, and how it is being treated. We will meet on Wed Feb. 12 for a bring-your-own-lunch and a short meeting at 12:30. Our guest speaker will begin at 1pm. You are welcome to come at 12 or just come for the speaker at 1pm.

Youth group resumes

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

Youth Group resumes at the church on February 14th from 6-8pm. This is under the leadership of William Min. Mark it in your calendars! It’s going to be a meaningful season of learning, fun, fellowship, growth and worship.

Sunday Service – February 16, 2025

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

Modern life can be frazzling. On Sunday, February 16th we centre ourselves in Christ and fix our eyes on the eternal God. “Here I am to worship…” “Our God is an awesome God…” Our main text will be 9:14-32 where Jesus rescues a boy experiencing extreme demonization (after the disciples couldn’t). Why do some people to have greater spiritual strength than others? What do we do about that? We will sing, be blessed with youth ministry in Sunday school, benefit from loving nursery care and enjoy fellowship. Your presence enriches everything we do. “Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever.” -Psalm 136

Coldest Night of the Year Walk

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

It is cold outside. As we stay warm we think of those who don’t have a safe place to stay warm and we are grateful for our local youth shelter Youth Haven. On February 22nd we can do more than think about them. We can show up, we can walk, we can raise money and awareness for this necessary program during The Coldest Night of the Year. Click here to donate or to join our team! This is a fundraising walk to support our local youth shelter, Youth Haven, and people experiencing hurt, hunger, and homelessness.  

Sunday Service – February 23, 2025

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

Well, it’s quite a winter. Let’s warm our hearts in a sanctuary of grace on February 23rd as we invite God to work good things in our lives. “The same love…” “Brother, sister, let me serve you…” Our main text will be Mark 9:33-50. The disciples had been arguing about who was “greatest.” Really? That’s when Jesus said: “If anyone would be first, he must be last of all and servant of all.” What does that actually mean for us in a practical sense? He also spoke about being “salted with fire” (!) and being at peace with one another. We will praise God and pray. Our youth will be encouraged and equipped in Sunday School, and our wee ones in the nursery.  We will enjoy 'soup and a bun' after the service! Your presence enriches everything we do.

Sunday Service – March 2, 2025

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

Sunday is special. Well, every Sunday is special, but when people declare their faith it is a special blessing. Several of our youth have gone through a confirmation process – of making ‘the’ faith ‘my’ faith. They will give statements of faith, some will be baptized, others anointed with oil, and we will pray over them! We will worship God and pray. “Yet not I but through Christ in me…” “How great thou art…” Our youngest class (grade 4 and below) will be taught and encouraged in Sunday School (the older youth will remain in the sanctuary), and the youngest from our midst cared for in the nursery. We will enjoy cake after the service! Your presence enriches everything we do.

World Day of Prayer Service

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

This year Westminster is hosting the annual World Day of Prayer service. Local churches host this ecumenical service on a rotational basis and share in leadership. Last year there were 1.5 million participants in 150 countries. This year there are 12 local churches participating. The theme for 2025 is “I made you wonderful” (based on Psalm 139) and highlights life in Cook Islands. There will be songs, prayers and readings. The service will be held on March 7, from approximately 1:30pm to 2:30pm, followed by lunch. A free will offering will be received. Please contact the church office for additional information. Our address is 170 Steel Street, Barrie, ON. There is parking in the front and back lots.

Sunday Service – March 9, 2025

Westminster 170 Steel Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada

Sunday, March 9th is the first Sunday in Lent – a 40 day period of preparation (excluding Sundays) leading up to Easter. We gather to praise God as a people who give thanks, focus, bless, and serve.  Remember to change your clocks! They “spring ahead” 1 hour the night before. Matthew and William will lead the service together with William sharing the sermon on Matthew 4:1-11 (Jesus’ temptation in the wilderness) and Hebrews 4:14-16. We are blessed and supported by Sunday School, nursery care and fellowship time. We are also blessed to have Jenn Harris leading the service while Music Director Nena LaMarre is away. “How great is our God…” “King of heaven come down…”