Sunday Service – July 12th

Live Stream Only Westminster YouTube Channel

Sunday is the first day of the week -- and we mark it together with worship! At 10:01am on our live-stream (You can access our live-stream here.)  we will praise God Almighty with lots of singing, prayer, and learning from God's word. We'll highlight another Praise Challenge Submission, enjoy some special music, and a few other unique elements. Pastor Ruttan will highlight the need for humility in our thoughts and actions. "Don't be judgmental!" is something you hear a lot these days. But what does that really mean (and what doesn't it mean)? We'll explore Jesus' words in Matthew 7:1-5 and what they teach us about a humility that is both sincere and confident in a polarized and polarizing world.  Go here for Sermon Notes that accompany this week's message. Hope you can join us!

Sunday Service – July 19th

Live Stream Only Westminster YouTube Channel

Summer is upon us! And we continue to robustly worship God at 10:01am on Sunday morning via our YouTube live-stream! (You can access our live-stream here.) Do you want the "peace of Christ" during these strange and challenging days, especially when many people feel like they might be "losing it"? That's the theme of Sunday's service and Pastor Ruttan's message.  You will find sermon notes to accompany this message here. We will sing, praise and pray together, be blessed by another Praise Challenge submission, hear from 5 of our Sunday School teachers in the kids' time (via Zoom video), and sing along with our  choir's "Go Now In Peace." Let's honour God together apart!

Sunday Service – July 26th

Live Stream Only Westminster YouTube Channel

Join millions upon millions of Christians all over the world this Sunday, July 26 as we lift Jesus' name in worship, song and prayer! We gather digitally online at 10:01am via YouTube.  (You can access our live-stream here.) Our memory verse for this month is Romans 12:12: "Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer"--so that is what we will do. Our service will continue to have a variety of special elements, and Pastor Ruttan will talk about "praying and not giving up" (as Jesus tells us to do in Luke 18:1-8). Some of you are doing well with prayer right now. Others, not so much. Jesus encourages us to be persistent; on Sunday we'll learn why, receive some motivation, and some practical tips. Go here for Sermon notes that accompany this week's message. Let's honour the living God together!

Sunday Service – August 2nd

Live Stream Only Westminster YouTube Channel

Soul Fatigue? - This Sunday, August 2nd at 10:01am we will gather digitally to honour the Lord—our strengthening and comforting God! (You can access our live-stream here.) We will sing, pray and grow in God’s word. Jenn Harris (our Music Director) and Pastor Ruttan will share some special music together. And for the message we will introduce the idea of “Soul Fatigue.” Maybe you don’t know what that is—or do you? There is a kind of heart and brain exhaustion that many people are experiencing as we navigate a new (and often unsettling, different, and changing) reality. Pastor Ruttan's message responds to this by exploring Jesus’ words to give “rest for your souls” (Matt. 11:29). What does he mean, and how?  Go here for Sermon Notes to accompany this week's message. Let’s re-orient ourselves in worship, and in the rest and renewal that only God can give.  

Sunday Service – August 9th

Live Stream Only Westminster YouTube Channel

This week we welcome Jeff Walther back to lead our service while Pastor Ruttan is on his annual vacation. Jeff is currently a full time professor in the School of Business at Georgian College in Barrie following a more than 25 year career in Radio and TV broadcasting.  As a professor in the Business Faculty at Georgian College, Jeff helps students learn to create advertising and marketing strategies, how to use media and about the power of great communication. But, as a Christian, he hopes to help them understand much more important lessons. Not just “how to make money for themselves and their bosses” or “how to do something” or even “how to be someone” but how to become someone who can make a positive difference in this world. He and his wife Janis and their family  worship with and are involved in the Westminster Presbyterian Church family. Our service is live stream only and you can access it here. We will sing, praise, pray, and worship our God together, as the family of Christ.  We'll also watch another Praise Challenge submission and enjoy lots of special music. In this week's message, Jeff is going to talk about 3 little words. No, not “start the car” or “where’s the beef?”. In fact, these three words are quite possibly words that some of you have never heard before! The fact is that they are thousands of years old … and may all seem like Greek to you… but they hopefully are going to mean something to you by the end of his talk Sunday.  They will perhaps change the way you look at some things in your life and the way you think … and how you communicate with those around you. Please join us!

Sunday Service – August 16th

Live Stream Only Westminster YouTube Channel

Currently our services are live stream only.  You can access it here. Join us this Sunday, August 16th when Rev. Dr. Claude Cox will lead our service during Pastor Ruttan's vacation. We will enjoy another Praise Challenge submission, hear some special music and sing, worship and praise our awesome God, together, even though we are apart! Rev. Cox's text on Sunday will be Matthew 6:9–13. He'll especially focus on the line that says, "lead us not into trial." Or, "temptation." Delivering a message that is titled, "Lord, see us through this time of trouble" we are sure to benefit from the words he preaches. We hope you can join us then!

Sunday Service – August 23rd

Live Stream Only Westminster YouTube Channel

Please join us again this Sunday at 10:01. (You can access our live-stream here.). We will hear more special music, enjoy another Praise Challenge and together will make a joyful noise unto the Lord! Our message is based on Galatians 1:11–24.  Rev. Cox, who returns to lead our service this week while Pastor Ruttan is on vacation, will share some thoughts about our being in the wilderness for a while, the metaphorical wilderness. Are we becoming something in this "time out?" Hope you can join us!

Sunday Service – August 30th

Live Stream Only Westminster YouTube Channel

At 10:01 on Sunday August 30th we will gather together, digitally, to worship our incredible God.  (You can find our live stream here) Jeff Walther will return to lead our service, while Pastor Ruttan is on vacation. Jeff is currently a full time professor in the School of Business at Georgian College in Barrie following a more than 25 year career in Radio and TV broadcasting.  As a professor in the Business Faculty at Georgian College, Jeff helps students learn to create advertising and marketing strategies, how to use media and about the power of great communication. But, as a Christian, he hopes to help them understand much more important lessons. Not just “how to make money for themselves and their bosses” or “how to do something” or even “how to be someone” but how to become someone who can make a positive difference in this world. He and his wife Janis and their family  worship with and are involved in the Westminster Presbyterian Church family. This week we will have another Praise Challenge Video.  We'll also have lots of music, prayer & worship for you and your family. Jeff's message will focus on Luke Chapter 12: 15 – 20.  In a message titled "Carpe Diem - Seize the Day" he will focus on that passage along with a few other biblical references. He'll also share a very special story to illustrate why, as Christians, we should seize the day our Lord has made and make the most of each circumstance we are presented with. We hope you can join us!  

Sunday Service – September 6th

On Sunday, September 6th we gather virtually to worship at 10:01am via our YouTube Live Stream.  (You can find our live stream here) Pastor Ruttan has returned from his vacation and will lead us with a message inspired by calls for greater racial equality in our troubled world: "Race and the Kingdom of God." Sermon Notes are available here. We will sing (including Shout to the North, among others), pray (for many things, including return-to-school plans), and introduce a new vital verse for September. Let's honour our eternal, unchanging and loving God on the Lord's Day.

Sunday Service – September 13th

Live Stream Only Westminster YouTube Channel

Currently our services are online only.  You can access our live stream here. Worship is at the heart of who we are because God is so central to our lives. On Sunday, September 13th we worship online at 10:01am. Pastor Ruttan will share a message called "Forging ahead when you feel like a failure" based on Elijah in 1 Kings 19.  You can find sermon notes here. We will witness a Praise Challenge compilation video (wow, so many great entries!), enjoy a new Praise Challenge submission, present a new faith-at-home activity, receive a Sunday School update from Laura Ruttan and Julie Cunha (via video), and pray and sing to our steadfast Creator and Saviour! See you then!