Family Devotional – Grateful
by Westminster
Since we have decided to cancel public gathering for worship amidst the current COVID-19 epidemic and are only holding them via live stream, we are also providing weekly family devotional resources.
This can be used with children on Sunday morning, or at some other time during the week.
For the week of May 3rd it’s called Grateful. You can download a pdf version here, or simply read the explanation below! Family Devotional – Grateful – Westminster PC – 2020 05 03
1. Background.
This week’s family devotional is all about showing gratitude to health care workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. Health care workers are on the front lines, dealing with incredible challenges, and making sacrifices for the rest of us!
2. Materials Needed
a. A Bible
b. Paper, writing utensils, (other materials depending on how creative you want to get)
c. A device to record and send a message (optional)
d. An envelope and a stamp (or a computer with the internet)
3. Activity
a. Read Philippians 2:1-11 together (in a modern translation of the Bible). Note especially verse 4: “Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.” Say how this letter was written by the apostle Paul to Christians living in the ancient city of Philippi in the years following the resurrection of Jesus. This section of the letter is talking about how who Jesus is, what he did, why he is so significant, and also how his attitude is an example to all of us.
b. Have some discussion. Here are some question suggestions to help get you going:
• What are your “own interests”? What are “the interests of others”? Try to re-say that same idea Paul was talking about but with language you would use yourself.
• In Philippians 2:1-11 we are told that Jesus is the ultimate example of putting other people’s interests before his own. What has Jesus done for you?
• This week’s devotional is about showing our gratitude (thankfulness) for health care workers who are putting other people’s interests before their own. How are they doing that?
• Talk about different kinds of jobs and responsibilities in the health care profession.
c. Write a note of gratitude and encouragement and send it to health care workers who might need it during these difficult times. Or, you can even send a video of you and/or your family offering your gratitude and encouragement! (directions below)
(If the young people in your home are older, they should really take some time and invest in this project. Help them think through what might encourage someone who is feeling strain and stress. Why do they personally appreciate what they are doing? What scriptures could be included to share something of God’s power and strength?)
d. If you WRITE something, our suggestion is to send it to a care facility near you. If you’re unsure about where to send it, here are the addresses to four care facilities close to Westminster, including Royal Victoria Hospital:
–Donna Danyluk, Corporate Communications
Royal Victoria Hospital
201 Georgian Drive, Barrie, ON L4M 6M2
–Paul Taylor, Executive Director
Grove Park Home
234 Cook St, Barrie, ON L4M 4H5
–Diana Boyes, Community Relations Manager
Barrie Manor
340 Blake St, Barrie, ON L4M 1L3
–Debbie Fleming, Acting Exec Director
Owen Hill Care Community
130 Owen St, Barrie, ON L4M 3H7
e. If you would like to make a VIDEO, you can record it (ensure it’s not too long) and send it to us and we will make a compilation video which will then share with our health care workers. (That way, the coordinators at the care facilities will not be inundated with large video files.) You can use your public Dropbox folder, a link through Google photos, or (or another service) to send it to us at kim [at] westminsterpc [dot] ca.
f. Spend time praying together specifically for our health care workers who are doing so much to the interests of others before themselves!
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