Family Devotional – Poweroom

Since we have decided to cancel public gathering for worship amidst the current COVID-19 epidemic and are only holding them via live stream, we are also providing weekly family devotional resources.

This can be used with children on Sunday morning, or at some other time during the week.

For the week of May 10th it’s called Poweroom! You can download a pdf version here, or simply read the explanation below: Family Devotional – Poweroom – Westminster PC – 2020 05 10

1. Background

This week’s family devotional is all about creating a special place to pray—a “Poweroom”! (God’s Power + Room = Poweroom!) This is a special place to pray that has written/visual reminders all around you of God’s power and promises! (If you’ve seen the War Room movie, it’s kind of like that.)

Here are a few Bible verses to consider: In Luke 18:1 Jesus tells a story about an oblivious judge and a persistent widow “to show them that they should pray and not give up” because God will “bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night…”

Speaking to his disciples about prayer in Matthew 6:6 Jesus says, “when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.” This doesn’t mean you have to pray secretly in your room (although you certainly can); in the wider context Jesus said this to guard people against making a show in public of fancy prayers (Matthew 6:5-8). You can pray anywhere and anytime! This is simply a way to practically and visually remind yourself of God’s power and goodness when you pray.

2. Materials Needed

a. A Bible
b. Something to write with and some paper/note cards, and tape.
c. A room (or designated area within a room)

3. Activity

a. Discuss the importance of regular prayer. What is prayer? Why is it important? Can you think of any Bible passages that talk about prayer?

b. Discuss the idea of a Poweroom. Remember, there is nothing “magic” about a Poweroom. It is a special place to pray which specifically has notes/papers taped to the wall around you, so that you can be visually reminded of God’s power and goodness in your life!

c. Choose a place for the Poweroom.

d. Get out your Bibles and start to discuss verses that would be good to tape up. Write out a few of them and tape the up to get you going. Discuss: Why is this/are these verses good reminders?

e. Encourage one another to put up a new verse whenever. Keep adding as time goes on!

f. Pray together, calling on God’s help for whatever you or your family is facing right now.


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