Forward with the Living Christ

Forward with the Living Christ

This is an update from Westminster’s session (elders):

As you know, these are changing and challenging times. We want you to know that as elders we have been actively and prayerfully working on a positive and Christ-centred plan which takes seriously the significant changes in our Canadian and global contexts, and which responds to them in a faithful and hope-filled way. As we do so, we uphold this statement of faith: ‘We believe in the risen Lord Jesus Christ and the Scriptures as the inspired word of God. We stand in active continuity with our Reformed Protestant heritage as expressed in documents such as the ‘Westminster Confession of Faith’ and ‘Living Faith.”

Early in the new year (2023) we will present this plan and vision to you, the congregation, at a special gathering! We will also invite your input into this plan as we move ahead. Please stay tuned for more information! We move forward with the living Christ!

-Rev. Ruttan and elder Cathy Clark (Clerk of Session)


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