5 words of wisdom from past generations—a talk with Claude Cox

by Westminster

They call this the information age. But T.S. Eliot has a good question: “Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge? Where is the knowledge we have lost in information?”
To me, it often feels like we have too much data and too little wisdom.
One of our sources for wisdom is those who have gone before. Their insights are time-tested and battle-tested. The rest of us can benefit from their insights if we slow down long enough to respect and listen to what they have to say.
The Pulse Podcast is about living abundantly wholeheartedly. It includes feature topics, interviews, and weekly biblical studies.
This episode is a talk with Claude Cox. He has spent years talking with people in the final chapter of their lives. In this conversation he shares five words of wisdom from five different individuals that he has found particularly insightful. But first, let me tell you a bit more about him.
Claude was born in Meaford, Ontario, on Georgian Bay. He studied at several theological schools and holds an earned doctorate from the University of Toronto. Has been chaplain at Grove Park Home for Senior Citizens in Barrie for more than thirty years and has tried to listen closely to the elderly; he was minister of the church attached to Grove Park for almost twenty years. Claude has also been adjunct faculty at McMaster Divinity College for long time, teaching Old Testament studies and Hebrew. His wife is nurse and they have three children, two sons and a daughter. They have also been a meaningful part of the Westminster Church family for many years. He is a thoughtful and gracious presence who leads the Thursday morning Bible study, and always has a helpful word.
When you identify the right priorities on your death bed it’s called perspective; when you identify them before you get there it’s called wisdom.
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