Anxiety in Children – a talk with Lyndsey Stevenato

by Westminster

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We love our children. We don’t like anxiety. So how can we better understand anxiety in children, and how can we help those we love so dearly?
In this episode of The Word at Westminster, Pastor Ruttan talks with Lyndsey Stevenato, an occupational therapist who is the owner and operator of Lyndsey Stevenato Children’s Therapy Services. She has a heart for children with challenges, and a passion to see children be the best they can be with whatever skills they have.
Our topics include:
- What makes anxiety in children (0-18) different from adults, if anything
- How Covid-19 has intensified anxiety in children (with examples), and how it is being experienced in younger age groups
- Common stressors in the lives of children
- The importance of structure, sleep, healthy eating, exercise and limited screen time in the lives of children
- Understanding a healthy amount of screen time
- How we can think of anxiety in a way that is theologically healthy
- What parents should be doing in the home to be good role models—in terms of both behaviours and attitudes
- How a parent knows if their worry or anxiety is beyond a healthy level
- What parents should do when they want to help their children but aren’t sure what to do
- Paying attention to your child and “going with your gut”
–Lyndsey Stevenato Children’s Therapy Services
-Book: ‘Anxious Kids, Anxious Parents‘ by Ried Wilson and Lynn Lyons
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