Hocus Pocus: The use, abuse and true meaning of Communion (Sermon)

Hocus Pocus: The use, abuse and true meaning of Communion (Sermon)
The Word at Westminster
The Word at Westminster
Hocus Pocus: The use, abuse and true meaning of Communion (Sermon)

On the eve of his crucifixion, Jesus broke bread and poured wine. “Do this in remembrance of me.” Ever since, millions upon millions of Christians have participated in the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper. It’s also called the Eucharist.

There are times when it can seem like an empty ritual. And yet, people speak about powerful experiences of God’s nearness or guidance when they participate. No matter what your experience has been we need to think proactively about what it is all about. What does the word “Sacrament” even mean? How does God use it to nourish and bless his people?

In this sermon on 1 Corinthians 11:17-34 we explore Paul’s instructions, and then highlight seven important meanings of Communion for us today.

As it is prayed in The Valley of Vision: “As the outward elements nourish my body, so may thy indwelling Spirit invigorate my soul, until that day when I hunger and thirst no more, and sit with Jesus at his heavenly feast.”


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