
Oct 2022

Throughout history, many people have claimed to hear God’s voice. Prophets certainly did. Madmen with Messiah complexes leading people into the desert to die did not. Having just told us that he is the Good Shepherd, Jesus says: “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.” To those original followers, that made a lot of sense. Their ears could literally receive the sound waves......

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Living an abundant life (Sermon)

“Live your best life now!” That’s a fairly popular modern slogan. In fact, Jesus said something that (some people think) sounds kind of similar: “I came that they have may have life and have...

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Getting to know Kristin Stouffer

Getting to know Kristin Stouffer

In this episode Pastor Ruttan interviews our new Communications Coordinator Kristin Stouffer. This will help you get to know her a bit better, and also learn more about her role. We are so excited...

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My Captain, My Ship (Sermon)

My Captain, My Ship (Sermon)

You’re about to go through a storm. But you can choose which ship to sail in. The captain in boat number one isn’t very experienced. But the captain in boat number two has an...

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Michelle Boston explains our Small Groups

Michelle Boston explains our Small Groups

At Westminster, our small groups are called Vine Groups. In this short episode, Pastor Ruttan introduces Michelle Boston who will be coordinating these groups beginning in September 2022! Michelle talks about how she got...

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