
Dec 2021
Hit the Light (Sermon)

Jesus is “the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word” (Hebrews 1:3). What does that mean, and how can we bask in the light of Jesus’ radiance? One thing is for sure: The right kind of light makes you see things you didn’t see before. In this message from December 12, 2021, Pastor Ruttan provides a high level......

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Holier with thou (Sermon)

Holier with thou (Sermon)

Holiness. It’s not really a popular topic. Saying we’re in the process of being made holy (or being made like Christ) can come across sounding superior, or that we’re better than we are. And...

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Your Soul Anchor (Sermon)

Your Soul Anchor (Sermon)

Let’s say you’re on a ship. Let’s say there is a storm coming. Let’s also say that there are times when staying in the harbour isn’t an option. Let’s say that this is one...

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