
Nov 2023
I have trouble understanding God's wrath

This was a question submitted for the Q & A Forum on October 15th. The full question is: “I have trouble understanding God’s wrath. Sometimes it seems to flare up, but other times he is ‘slow to anger.’” Pastor Ruttan talks about God’s wrath, mercy, and how the two relate....

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What's the deal with ghosts?

What’s the deal with ghosts?

This was a question submitted for the Q & A Forum on October 15th. Here’s the full question: “What’s the deal with ghosts? Are they real? Are they evil? Are they good? Is it...

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Pride of Ownership (Sermon)

Pride of Ownership (Sermon)

Sermon theme: Rest. It’s important, and sometimes elusive. The text focused on Matthew 11:28-30. This service was led by elder Cathy Clark. Cathy holds a Master of Divinity degree from Tyndale University and was...

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Testimonies from Teen Challenge

Testimonies from Teen Challenge

On Sunday October 22nd we welcomed Teen Challenge Canada, an organization who helps people struggling through addiction. We heard music and also three testimonies from women who have been through their program, or are...

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No One Left Behind (Sermon)

No One Left Behind (Sermon)

The second coming of Jesus. It has fascinated people since the earliest days. Just this week #JesusIsComingSoon was trending on social media. This sermon is a part of “The Beginning is Nigh” series and...

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A talk with William Min

A talk with William Min

As recently announced, Westminster has a new Coordinator of Youth and Outreach! His name is William Min and he begins on November 20th. In this episode, Pastor Ruttan asks William a few questions so...

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