
Oct 2023

On the eve of his crucifixion, Jesus broke bread and poured wine. “Do this in remembrance of me.” Ever since, millions upon millions of Christians have participated in the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper. It’s also called the Eucharist. There are times when it can seem like an empty ritual. And yet, people speak about powerful experiences of God’s nearness or guidance when they participate. No matter what your......

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Holiness is Readiness (Sermon)

Holiness is Readiness (Sermon)

We don’t talk about it a lot but Jesus is coming back. That’s a big deal. So how do you personally prepare? In addition to trusting him, we are told that when he comes...

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Hope lifts you forward (Sermon)

Hope lifts you forward (Sermon)

Is it possible to experience joy in the midst of affliction? Yes it is. This isn’t a message you hear very often, but it’s true. But how? The answer has to do with hope....

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Blessings (Sermon)

Blessings (Sermon)

Special guest Cathy Clark will led our service and shared a message inspired by Ecclesiastes 11:1 ‘Cast your bread upon the waters, for you will find it after many days.’ and Luke 6:38, ‘give,...

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Oneness with God (Sermon)

Oneness with God (Sermon)

This past Sunday, as Pastor Ruttan continues his vacation, special guest Claude Cox led our service and shared a message inspired by Psalm 85:10. “Mercy and truth are met together; righteousness and peace have...

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