in church, faith, fellowship, Jesus, worship

You can only have harmony if you’re singing the same song
Let’s say two people want to sing in harmony. Person 1 starts with the melody and then Person 2… sings a totally different song! Obviously, it’s not going to work. But if both people are...
in assurance, belief, Bible, church, confidence, easter, faith, God's power, good news, hope, Jesus Christ, resurrection

“Is everything sad going to come untrue?”
At the end of the Lord of the Rings trilogy Frodo asks, “Is everything sad going to come untrue?” Because of the resurrection of Christ, the answer is Yes! The resurrection was about one person,...

The Triumphal Entry – Palm Sunday
This was our Palm Sunday Service. William Min, our Coordinator of Youth and Outreach led the service while Pastor Ruttan was on his last day of vacation. He looked at the story of Jesus’ triumphal...
in Bible, church, faith, habits, heaven, Jesus Christ, service, sharing faith

Holiness is Readiness
We don’t talk about it a lot but Jesus is coming back. That’s a big deal. So how do you personally prepare? In addition to trusting him, we are told that when he comes we...
in church, Holy Spirit

Carriers of the Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit seems to be the neglected Person in the Trinity. But who is he? What does he do? In this sermon on Pentecost Sunday, Pastor Ruttan takes us through Acts 2:1-41 to describe...