in church, faith, fellowship, Jesus, worship
You can only have harmony if you’re singing the same song
Speaker: Matthew Ruttan | June 17, 2024
Let’s say two people want to sing in harmony. Person 1 starts with the melody and then Person 2… sings a totally different song! Obviously, it’s not going to work. But if both people are...
in Anniversary Sunday, communion, community, discipleship, fellowship, generosity, giving, God's power, Jesus Christ, service, worship
I can smell the hands of fishermen
Speaker: Matthew Ruttan | June 02, 2024
Over the past many centuries, the followers of Jesus have been through a lot of ups and downs. Over time we can lose (a) our sense of connection to those who have gone before, and...
in fellowship, maturity
What people on the narrow path need
Speaker: Matthew Ruttan | April 21, 2024
They knew Jesus, but were swerving off course. That’s when a wiser, more mature Christian stepped in to help. This sermon is Part 1 in a new teaching series on the book of Colossians. They...