
What’s the point?

Have you ever asked yourself that question? I have. It’s a question we ask when we’re feeling overwhelmed or alone or frustrated.

But it’s also a question we ask as life goes on and we simply haven’t taken the time to figure out how our daily purpose fits into God’s eternal plans. Too often we go through life like Tykes just learning how to play hockey: with sporadic scurrying speediness, bumping into each other, going a dozen directions, and not really sure about the bigger strategy and purpose!

So on March 26 at Westminster we started a new series: “What’s the Point? – How to link up your very normal life with God’s very extraordinary plan.” In Part 1 we explored why this question is so important, and also what God’s bigger plan actually is. If you aren’t confident about God’s big plan, you probably won’t be confident about your day-to-day life. Part 1 is called “Co-Renovators.” Listen in!

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