Do The Word

Do The Word

This week Pastor Ruttan continued his new series based on the book of James.  He focused on James’ statement: “Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says” (James 1:22). That’s what he explored in Part 2 of the Down-To-Earth series. You will find sermon notes for this message here.

“Do the Word” is the title of the message.  And literally, that is what we are asked to do through James 1:19-27.  To not only listen but to take action.  How?  Pastor Ruttan outlined 10 key statements made by James in these verses.  Then he calls us to consider our actions in response.  He asked us to look at them and then ask ourselves, very honestly, what we think the Lord wants us to work on and do it.

Do the Word.



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