Getting or Giving?

People talk about “The Good Life.” Whatever it is, it’s something to aspire to, right?

But when you go a bit deeper, “the good life” is usually about comfort, the accumulation of things, and a kind of happiness that doesn’t last. But it seems to be a part of a “new moral code” that is gaining traction here in the Western world.

On September 18th at Westminster we started a new 3-part series called “The Good Life — Why settle for ‘the good life’ when you can have a great one?” In Part 1 we explored John 10 and Jesus’ purpose to offer us something more: “abundant life.”

Let’s journey together to learn a bit more about what that means. The message is called “Getting or Giving?”

You should also note that Part 1 will be the first content for The Vine small groups program starting at Westminster on Wednesday, September 18th.

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