If you’re not giving up something
Joy. A Meaningful life. Both good things, right?
Speaking to the graduating class of Eton College, the great medical missionary Albert Schweitzer said that “happiness consists in service, in giving yourself here and now to that which is worthy and above your own self-interests.”
On one level, we know that. But it’s very hard to live out. Why? Because we all risk contamination by a very selfish and individualized society. Instead of seeing our service toward others as an essential part of who we are, we see it as optional.
But it’s not.
On July 9th at Westminster, we explored the story of the Widow’s Offering to get a fresh and practical perspective on what it feels like (and what it means) to live a life of service toward others–and how it relates to having a more joyful, meaningful life.
The 20-minute message is called “If you’re not giving up something.” Enjoy!
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