In but not of the world

In but not of the world

We have reached Chapter 4 in the Book of James, which is  Part 7 in our teaching series called Down-to-Earth. It’s a line by line look at the Book of James in the Bible.

Pastor Ruttan continued teaching about James with a message called “In but not of the world.”  You can find sermon notes for this message here.

The thought behind the message is well illustrated in a story by Danish Philosopher Soren Kierkegaard who tells a story about a wild goose who went to live with some tame geese committing to liberating them from their mediocre lives.  Pastor Ruttan shares this story near the start of his message and goes on to explain how we can be like the wild goose in the story vis-à-vis our living not only in this world, but also of this world.

Seeking to answer the question the message starts with “what world are you living in?” Pastor Ruttan ends with;

          My brothers and sisters, with Christ our champion, big brother, and king, the world we are living in is God’s.

Pastor Matthew Ruttan


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