God loves you as you are, but…
Have you ever tried to go somewhere with only half a map? Have you ever tried to assemble a BBQ with basic picture prompts but instructions that were in a different language? Have you ever tried to study for a test with a text book that is 6 editions out of date?
If so, you’ll know that having some of the information isn’t the same as having all of the information.
That’s why on July 15 we started a new 3-part series called “Oops! – Half-truths we believe, how they hurt us, and how biblical truth can get us back on track.”
In Part we talked about this statement: “God loves and accepts you just as you are.” It’s true… but it’s not the whole picture. Coming to a wider understanding of God’s love helps you live more faithfully, more abundantly, and more fully in-sync with God’s meaningful design for your life.
Listen in to find out more, and to grow more deeply into Jesus words to take up your cross daily and follow him. The message is called “God loves you as you are, but…”
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