Soft Edges and Firm Centres

Soft Edges and Firm Centres

This week Pastor Ruttan recorded his message at home due to feeling a bit under the weather. We are so blessed he was able to do so.  Thank you!

The message is called Soft Edges and Firm Centres and is Part 3 in our current teaching series on the book of James called “Down-To-Earth.” Using James 2:1-13, Pastor Ruttan speaks about how, like a peach, if Christians are following “The Royal Law”:

If you really keep the royal law found in Scripture, “Love your neighbor as yourself,” you are doing right. James 2:8

You can then respond by not showing favouritism, loving your neighbour as yourself & showing mercy proactively. Be firm in your faith but soft in your judgements.

You can find sermon notes for this message here.


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