The Force Awakens

“The Force Awakens.” You’re right, it’s an allusion to the Star Wars movies. But combined with the idea of the Rebel Force, it’s an idea that can help clarify our thinking about what it means to be the church in a new and challenging era.

Let’s be honest. It’s a tough time to be God’s people. People are really struggling; the consumerism and individualism in our society is rampant; and we can so easily downplay (or ignore) the reality of spiritual warfare. (Spiritual warfare is the invisible — but real — battle between good and evil in our lives and world.)

So on February 3, Pastor Ruttan took us through sections of Ephesians 4 and 6 to highlight three essentials in being God’s people today if we are to be God’s faithful, robust and vital Rebel Force.

It was a message that comes at an important time for Westminster Church, and for him personally. The sermon is called, “The Force Awakens: Being God’s People in a New and Challenging Era.”

Listen in!


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