When you pray like it doesn’t matter

Let’s be honest. A lot of us struggle with prayer. Life is busy. Our minds get distracted…

But what if there was a different and better way to approach prayer? After all, if God is an Almighty God who both hears and answers prayer, isn’t prayer not only an incredible opportunity, but an unfathomably rich resource for our spiritual lives?

On February 18 at Westminster we got into Part 3 in our current teaching series called “Christian Atheism: Saying you believe in a life-changing God but living like it doesn’t make a difference.” It’s easy to say we believe certain things; but when our beliefs aren’t reflected in our lives, aren’t we basically living like functional atheists? (No offense to the atheists out there; but the point is that belief in a life-changing God should make a distinct impact on how we live.)

We looked at five biblical passages that shed light on prayer, and offered some practical steps forward. If your prayer life is lacking, that doesn’t mean that you’re not a Christian; but it does mean you have some room to grow as a Christian.

I like how William Temple put it: “When I pray, coincidences happen. When I don’t, they don’t.”

Listen in! The message is called “When You Pray Like It Doesn’t Matter.”


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