Tag: salvation

Jun 2024

What gives someone courage? Are people “born with it”? Or do they obtain it somehow? Some people have an exceptional experience that makes them feel invincible. Others build up what we might call “courage muscle” by repeatedly doing the right thing in difficult circumstances. But then there’s a third factor. And it’s open to anyone who trusts God. This sermon unpacks Psalm 27, the one which famously begins with......

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Sunday Service - Mar.10, 2024

Sunday Service – Mar.10, 2024

On Sunday, March 10th we will hear the final installment of our series on the book of Esther. Pastor Ruttan will take us through chapters 9-10, share some thoughts about armed conflict and how...

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Sunday Service - Feb. 4, 2024

Sunday Service – Feb. 4, 2024

On Sunday we worship the Lord as the body of Christ together. Next week we will begin a new series on the book of Esther. But first, a message of encouragement and comfort on...

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