Tag: truth

Jul 2024
10 Unpopular things Jesus said

You can listen to the audio version above or read on… This is the second of a two-part post and podcast about things Jesus said, both popular and unpopular. Part 1 was about the popular statements (you can read it by clicking here). This one is about the un-popular. But why am I doing this? It’s about looking not only at the words of Jesus, but into the mirror.......

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Why trust the Bible?

By Pastor Matthew Ruttan At Westminster, we’re working through a teaching series called “Heaven and Hell: What does the Bible teach about what is true (instead of what we want to be true).” If...

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Is The Bible Reliable?

By Matthew Ruttan January 2017 You can hear the full podcast that discussed the brochure/blog below here: “Confident Convictions” Introduction The Bible is the world’s best seller. It’s also the most shop-lifted! It’s been...

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