The Power of Words – Faith-at-Home Focus (Oct 18, 2020)

by Westminster
Every week our faith-at-home idea follows a pattern.
-The first Sunday in each month is about Bible memorization.
-The second Sunday is about prayer.
-The third has a Bible focus.
-And the fourth is a service activity to love and help those around us.
The ideas are connected to the theme for each Sunday’s service.
They are meant to be both simple-yet-meaningful and adaptable.
We know it’s a tough time for people individually and as families. Some weeks are good… and some weeks are, well, not so good! Let’s lose the guilt about not ‘having it all together.’
At the same time, let’s be intentional about taking the lead in our homes as we seek to trust and follow Jesus together.
Week of Sunday, October 18th
Schedule: 3rd Sunday
Focus: Bible
1. Read James 3:3-10 together. Use a Bible translation which uses modern language.
2. Talk about any unclear words or ideas. Understanding the text is important.
3. After you have talked about it, do a Bible scavenger hunt to see if you can find any other places where it talks about how we are to use our words. These could include negative examples about how to NOT use our words, or positive examples about how TO use our words. Brainstorm with each other, or even use Google!
4. Commit to use your words in a godly way based on what you have discovered.
Simple. Meaningful. And life-changing.
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