Welcome Martyn Van Essen!
by Westminster
On Sunday, August 11th we welcome Rev. Martyn Van Essen to our church to deliver a message during Pastor Ruttan’s vacation.
Martyn grew up the son of a pastor in the Reformed Church in America. Being a PK (preacher’s kid), Martyn vowed never to become a minister himself, but God had other plans. And so it was that Martyn attended the University of Toronto studying the Ancient Near East, particularly focusing on Hebrew (a personal passion of his), Greek and Aramaic, and then Western Theological Seminary in Holland, Michigan. Martyn graduated from WTS in 1988 and was ordained and installed as pastor the same year in Bethel Reformed Church (RCA) in Brantford, Ontario. In 1998 he joined the Presbyterian Church in Canada and was inducted in the Tatamagouche Pastoral Charge in Nova Scotia. At present, Martyn is the chaplain at Tollendale Village in Barrie, a Christian independent living retirement community. Martyn is married to his wife, Mary, and together they have four grown children, and two grandchildren.
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Wonderful news,love hearing of Barrie’s developmen,especially in the churches. I was born and raised in Barrie and now look after a United Church in
I hope after cpmpleating an email for Matts devotional I will receive it as .