Elder Update about Church Activities & Covid-19 (Feb 2, 2022)

Elder Update about Church Activities & Covid-19 (Feb 2, 2022)

Date: February 2, 2022

[A video version of the announcement by Pastor Ruttan is below.]

General Statement:
We continue to do our best, with God’s help, to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of the Covid-19 pandemic. We move forward with faith in God, prayer, caution, and with the physical, mental/emotional, and spiritual needs of the community in mind.

We continue to follow public health guidelines, screen in-person participants, maximize our use of online tools, clean church spaces after every use by a group, and even go beyond the requirements by practicing contact tracing for our ministries even though it is no longer required that we do so.

Limited In-Person Worship:
We will resuming limited in-person worship services on Sunday morning (beginning Feb. 6). This is by pre-registration only and continues to prioritize those who live alone or who don’t have the internet. Other spots are also available upon request if extra space is available. The same screening and protocols apply from before the most recent lockdown. The services continues to be live-streamed on YouTube as well.

Sunday School:
We are planning to re-introduce a limited in-person Sunday School for our young people in the very near future. A video will be released next week with Laura Ruttan (our Sunday School Coordinator) and Pastor Ruttan explaining some options and what to expect. We’re really excited about this positive move forward. Stay tuned.

Groups who meet at the church are also able to resume in-person gatherings and are to follow the same screening process and protocols that were in place before the most recent lockdown. This includes our Vine Groups and also our Youth Groups (which will resume as previously announced on Feb. 21).

Closing thought:
As Ontario moves forward, we proactively monitor changes and watch for how they impact churches. Thank you for your ongoing prayers, support, and discipleship. The Lord is with us!



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