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If you’re not giving up something

Speaker: Matthew Ruttan | July 09, 2017

Joy. A Meaningful life. Both good things, right? Speaking to the graduating class of Eton College, the great medical missionary Albert Schweitzer said that “happiness consists in service, in giving yourself here and now to...


The Tenth Fruit

Speaker: Jenn Harris | July 02, 2017

Every year on the Sunday before Vacation Bible Camp, our camp co-director and Music Director, Jennifer Harris, offers an annual message to the congregation. “Thou Shalt Not… Complain?” You’re probably never heard that commandment before....


Hypocrite? – How to have less hypocrisy and more integrity in your faith, relationships, and mirror.

Speaker: Matthew Ruttan | June 18, 2017

“You’re a hypocrite.” Has anyone ever said that to you? It’s a nasty and unpleasant thing! A hypocrite is a pretender—someone who says they believe certain ideals but doesn’t actually live them out in their...