
Jun 2022
Serious, self-sacrificial evangelism - a talk with Will Han

Evangelism is sharing the good news (the “gospel”) about Jesus. Jesus tells us to do it. It’s important. It’s for the clear benefit of others. But at the same time, can be challenging, intimidating, and even scary! In January 2020, Will Han was invited to speak to the Presbytery of Barrie at Westminster Church about this very topic. Someone once described the 14th century friar Henry Suso like this:......

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Exhale (Sermon)

Exhale (Sermon)

It’s a disorienting and tiring time. What if a confidence that a merciful and almighty God continues to work in and through it all helps you to centre and take the pressure off? It...

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Still Lovable (Sermon)

Still Lovable (Sermon)

You’ve got a list of mistakes longer than your arm. You’ve missed the mark (in both the past and present), engaged in secret sins, foibles you wish you could forget, and failures or misplaced...

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Fickle or Faithful (Sermon)

Fickle or Faithful (Sermon)

Crowds can be fickle. One day they’re yelling “Hosanna!” to Jesus and a few days later they’re crying “Crucify him!” If they weren’t yelling, they had already left him. Where are we in the...

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