Pride of Ownership
Speaker: Cathy Clark | October 29, 2023
The Sermon theme was Rest. It’s important, and sometimes elusive. The text focused on Matthew 11:28-30. This service was led by elder Cathy Clark. Cathy holds a Master of Divinity degree from Tyndale University and...
in character, community, discipleship, faith, glorifying God, God's power, good news, growth, Holy Spirit, influence, Jesus, kindness, love, making a difference, meaning, mission, perspective, purpose, relationships, sharing faith, society, Spritual Growth, who you are, worship

Ordinary Missionary
| April 17, 2023
When we think of a missionary we usually think of someone going to serve in another country to spread the message of Jesus or help with a charitable project. But all of Jesus’ followers are...

God’s signature
Speaker: Matthew Ruttan | July 12, 2021
Poet Robinson Jeffers said that God’s “signature is the beauty of things.” Makes sense. In this sermon from July 11, 2021 Pastor Ruttan takes us through Acts 14:8-20 and the visit of Paul and Barnabas...