Ordinary Missionary

April 17, 2023
in character, community, discipleship, faith, glorifying God, God's power, good news, growth, Holy Spirit, influence, Jesus, kindness, love, making a difference, meaning, mission, perspective, purpose, relationships, sharing faith, society, Spritual Growth, who you are, worship
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When we think of a missionary we usually think of someone going to serve in another country to spread the message of Jesus or help with a charitable project.
But all of Jesus’ followers are given a commission. It’s a word which means “with a mission.” Yes, there is the “great commission” in Matthew 28 to go and make disciples. But there is also a lesser-known commission in John 20. It’s for all of us. And you don’t even have to go anywhere to do it.
In this sermon from April 16, 2023 on John 20:19-31, Pastor Ruttan explores this ‘other’ commission, Jesus’ gift of the Holy Spirit, and doubting Thomas.
What if God was sending you not to a place you’ve never been, but to a place you’re already in?
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