in decisions, faith, gospel, Jesus Christ, obedience, priorities, purpose, seeking God, Spritual Growth

Your Christ Compass
Speaker: Matthew Ruttan | January 08, 2024
The visit of the wise men to the infant Jesus is one of those details of the nativity story that we take for granted. But why is it there? What is it meant to teach...

Mary’s Yes: What she teaches us about faith when the future is uncertain
Speaker: Matthew Ruttan | December 17, 2023
Mary is usually held up as a model of humility, virtue and faithfulness. And rightly so. What better time than Advent and Christmas to look more closely at the mother of Jesus. She was a...

Preparing to honour God in big situations
Speaker: Matthew Ruttan | September 17, 2023
Jesus did big things. So did his early followers. They spoke boldly even in the face of violent opposition. They loved enemies, turned the other cheek, gave freely, and laid down their lives for others....