Preparing to honour God in big situations

Speaker: Matthew Ruttan
September 17, 2023
in Bible, faith, glorifying God, habits, influence, integrity, obedience, worship
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Jesus did big things. So did his early followers. They spoke boldly even in the face of violent opposition. They loved enemies, turned the other cheek, gave freely, and laid down their lives for others.
Too often, we find ourselves being people-pleasers instead of God-pleasers. How can we adjust our thinking (and living) to honour God in big situations, just like Jesus and his first followers, instead of letting peer-pressure, timidity or outright disobedience leave us standing in a pool of regret?
This sermon on 1 Thessalonians 2:1-16 explores these very questions and suggests two practical steps to help us honour God in the big moments of life.
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