Welcome Patrick (& Allyson) Voo!
by Westminster
On Sunday February 10th we will welcome Patrick Voo to our church as our teaching leader for the next 10 weeks while Pastor Ruttan is on Inter-Mission. Patrick is not a stranger to many of us at Westminster as we had the pleasure to listen to him a couple of Sundays in the summer of 2018. There will be a few Sundays when he is not available but happily his wife Allyson will step in and lead us those week. Both worship with us – so you may have already met them both! We’ll more formally introduce you to her when it gets closer to the first Sunday that she is going to preach.
Here’s a little about Patrick (from Patrick!)
I am a classic wannabe rebel who has his head in the clouds and his feet planted either in his running shoes, on his motorcycle footpegs or on a community theatre stage. Fortunately, I have got the most understanding and patient wife and daughters, and I hope to one day figure out what I’m going to be when I grow up! I do have a Master of Divinity Degree from Tyndale Seminary in Toronto, and have served in ministry leadership roles in Trinity Community Presbyterian Church in Oro, Orangeville Baptist Church, and Zion Presbyterian Church.
We look forward to hearing your first message Patrick – The Measure of a Moment
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