Worship Survey Summary

Worship Survey Summary

Thank you to everyone who filled out one of the surveys from November 2022.  67 surveys were received representing a significant number of our most frequent worshippers, both online and in-person.

Strong Support Areas
In general, we found that there was strong support for Pastor Ruttan’s current teaching/preaching content and style (focused on the Bible with modern applications), the “blended” music style (combination of modern praise songs and traditional hymns), the use of media, the family-friendly worship service and program offerings, and the after-service fellowship time.  We also learned that the sermon notes and re-released sermons are used frequently. There is also strong support for reintroducing occasional evening Healing Services.

Suggestions for Consideration
Here is a list of some of the other suggestions we received—some of which have already been implemented. Others are being considered. An idea is listed if more than 1 person shared it.

Worship services
-Delegation of announcements (already in place with elders)
-Consider new ways to include children and congregants during the service – suggestions:  carrying in the Bible, reading Scripture, musical offerings, short drama/skits, testimonies, video submissions, prayers…
-Consider increasing number of Communions
-Encourage the children to gather at the front for children’s time again (already happening)
-Bring back passing of the offering plate or equivalent

-Be sensitive to font size and colours for easier reading on screen
-Include hymn number references when applicable (already happening) – consider adding music titles in bulletin
-Work on improvement in the timing and flow of slide changes
-Review microphone sound settings to optimize levels for choir/musicians and congregation
-In weekly bulletin, reintroduce prayer list and increase financial updates
-Create a handout explaining Elders’ roles and contact information

-Start recruitment for new Music Director (beginning today)
-Maintain blended style with increased variety in older and newer music
-Consider creation of a small group of praise style musicians and singers
-Utilize more solos, duets etc.
-Increase use of children’s songs/music videos

After service fellowship
-Encourage creative seating arrangements such as tables for the elderly and chairs organized to encourage mixing & discussion
-Encourage/train welcoming of newcomers

Thank you again to everyone for your encouragement and thoughtful suggestions.

This will be very helpful as we plan our path forward in service of the living God!

-On behalf of Session, Carolyn Trott, elder who oversees special projects


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