The Lord of the Party
This message by Pastor Ruttan is on Luke 14:1-24. What does it mean that Jesus is Lord of the Party. What party? One on earth? Or in heaven? Or both? How do we RSVP? The...
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This message by Pastor Ruttan is on Luke 14:1-24. What does it mean that Jesus is Lord of the Party. What party? One on earth? Or in heaven? Or both? How do we RSVP? The...
Yes, we shoud love our neighbours. But how do we define neighbour”? And what does it mean to “love” them? That’s what this message explores from February 14, 2021 at Westminster. Because of Pastor Ruttan’s...
Someone once said that those who write dictionaries have a disproportionate influence on human history. A little while ago “sin” was deleted from the Oxford Junior Dictionary. What does that mean? And what does it mean...
This week we continued our journey through the Gospel of Luke. The message was based on Luke 6:17 – 36 which speaks to the “blessings and woes” and a love that is counter-cultural. Pastor Ruttan...
What do you think of when you hear L.S.D.? Probably a psychoactive street drug that is definitely not good. Today’s message seeks to redefine those letters into something practical that we can apply to our...
This week’s message was the second in Pastor Ruttan’s exploration of the Gospels of Luke. The message started with a quote from The Essential Guide To Spiritual Warfare Paperback, by Neil T. Anderson & Timothy...