Speaker: Matthew Ruttan
November 23, 2018
Being a person of your word matters. In fact, we could argue that, regardless of ethnicity, language, financial situation or background, people value honesty. And yet, it seems like we live in an age of...
Speaker: Matthew Ruttan
November 23, 2018
Being a person of your word matters. In fact, we could argue that, regardless of ethnicity, language, financial situation or background, people value honesty. And yet, it seems like we live in an age of...
Speaker: Matthew Ruttan
November 16, 2018
Before the world of contracts and fine print, do you remember hearing about agreements that were made on the shake of a hand? Remember when someone could be trusted “at their word”? Nowadays, that seems...
Speaker: Matthew Ruttan
November 09, 2018
This year marks the 100th anniversary of the Armistice that brought ceasefire to World War One at 11 a.m. on November 11th, 1918 (11-11-11). It was, they said, the “war to end all wars.” But,...
Speaker: Matthew Ruttan
November 04, 2018
If someone were to ask you what the “good news” or “gospel” of Christianity was, what would you say? The good news (also sometimes translated as “gospel”) is central to the faith, but it is...
Speaker: Matthew Ruttan
October 27, 2018
When we hear the word “idolatry,” many of us think of ancient peoples bowing down to man-made statues. Because of that, none of us think it’s a problem for us. But we may need to...
Speaker: Matthew Ruttan
October 14, 2018
“Jesus is coming back soon — look busy!” That was a bumper sticker I once saw. It made me laugh! And although busyness isn’t the issue (faithfulness is), it reminded me of something vital: That...
Speaker: Matthew Ruttan
October 07, 2018
Mental health is something we don’t talk about as much as we should. There’s a lot of stigma. Some people think that physical well-being is simply more important. (You can see a broken leg, but you...