
Feb 2021
Giving up The Frenemy for Lent

By Pastor Ruttan, originally posted at Full references to quotes also found there. Lent has begun. It’s the 40-day period of preparation (excluding Sundays) leading up to Easter, the epicentre of the Christian faith. Some people “give something up” for Lent. Think of it like spiritual training. Just how an athlete might make certain sacrifices to......

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Do Unto Others

Do Unto Others

Each week we have been providing a faith-at-home focus. Think lifestyle (not curriculum). Think simple-but-meaningful. Think adaptable. The first Sunday of the month is focused on a Bible memorization verse. Like always, the verse...

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A troubling week for the world

A troubling week for the world

By Pastor Ruttan. Originally posted at I once knew someone who would say, “Things are in a state.” Well my friends, that is definitely true in these ides of January 2021. Followers of Jesus...

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