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Speaker: Jeff Walther, Matthew Ruttan | November 12, 2023

On November 12th we gathered to worship our God of majesty, love, hope and holiness. Pastor Ruttan led our service, but had asked Jeff Walther to share the sermon (since Pastor Ruttan was away most...

Stabilizers for the Coming Storm

Stabilizers for the Coming Storm

Speaker: Matthew Ruttan | November 11, 2023

Jesus said he would return. He also said that several things would happen first: wars and rumours of war, false Messiahs, increasing Christian persecution, an increase in lawlessness, and a decrease in love. What are...

Holiness is Readiness

Holiness is Readiness

Speaker: Matthew Ruttan | September 24, 2023

We don’t talk about it a lot but Jesus is coming back. That’s a big deal. So how do you personally prepare? In addition to trusting him, we are told that when he comes we...

Preparing to honour God in big situations

Preparing to honour God in big situations

Speaker: Matthew Ruttan | September 17, 2023

Jesus did big things. So did his early followers. They spoke boldly even in the face of violent opposition. They loved enemies, turned the other cheek, gave freely, and laid down their lives for others....