Click below for more detail and to listen to Sunday’s podcasts.


Does God Even Exist? – Part 2: “God, that’s beautiful”

Speaker: Matthew Ruttan | September 24, 2017

Is our universe and world just here by chance, or is it by design? Are we the result of randomness, or is there an orchestrated intelligence to life on earth? On September 24 this is...


Does God Even Exist? – Part 1: Mind Before Matter

Speaker: Matthew Ruttan | September 17, 2017

I personally think that’s the one question that changes everything. Are we here on purpose, or by chance? Is there something after death, or not? Is there right and wrong, or is it all relative?...


One Heartbeat Away From Meeting Your Maker

Speaker: Matthew Ruttan | September 10, 2017

We live in the age of distraction. Researchers even talk about “DAF – Directed Attention Fatigue.” Our brains have to work incredibly hard to wade through the information that is hurtling toward us at breakneck...


Aren’t all religions basically the same?

Speaker: Matthew Ruttan | July 30, 2017

Aren’t all religions basically the same? That’s a question I was asked recently. It’s a good one. After all, a lot of world religions seem to believe in a higher power and have some version...